Sunday, July 24, 2011

Digest for Week-endng 23 July 2011

It's been a hot week here and this week's posts discuss why and how to keep your body cool and healthy when the temperature soars. In addition, understanding that "healthy food" is good and that occasionally treating yourself is a good thing make it more likely you'll embrace a healthy lifestyle.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to mean boring, tasteless, and unappealing. It’s just the opposite!

Have you ever fallen off the wagon by having that piece of cake or slice of pizza and felt that your efforts to stay healthy had been sabotaged? It’s not that way at all.

Here’s some information about watermelon you may not have known.

Here’s a salad idea from a restaurant that takes the work out of eating a salad for you.

It’s so important to take care of yourself on these hot days to avoid heat-related illnesses. The CDC offers some tips.

Here are some refreshing ideas to try besides salads to help you stay cool in the summer heat. I actually made the watermelon gazpacho yesterday (with tomatoes) and it was delicious!

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