Sunday, May 22, 2011

Digest for Week-ending 21 May 2011

This week’s posts were all about our trips to the grocery store and how they can keep us on track to healthy eating rather than sabotage our efforts:

Keeping it Real

In general, the healthiest and best food choices don’t come with these and look like what?

A Box in My Shopping Cart

Here is one of the few boxes I put in my cart on my shopping trips and why.

Keeping it Simple

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated and having a few staples on hand will ensure that you’re always making good choices.

What in Your Grocery Bag?

If you’re taking reusable shopping bags to the grocery store, that’s great. Just be aware that you may be taking home more than you think on your trips.

How Organic is That?

What exactly does the USDA Organic label mean and what are other clues that something is organic versus conventionally produced?

A Successful Shopping Trip

How and when to shop make all the difference with our diets. Do you follow these few simple rules?

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